Call for papers XX European Conference on Literacy 2017 Date Extended
As President of Spanish Reading and Writting Association (AELE), I am pleased to announce the CALL FOR PAPERS for the upcoming XX European Conference on Literacy 2017 in Madrid, Spain, to be open now to be open until December, 18, 2016.
This edition of European Conference, with the main theme “Working together to encourage equity through literacy communities: a challenge of the 21st. Century“, will be held on July, 3 – 6. As organizers, we encourage teacher-educators and teachers, researchers, librarians, students, parents, etc. to actively participate in this event by submitting projects, experiences and other theoretical or practical contributions on literacy as “moving target”.
The AELE team inform that this European Conference takes place in parallel with a new edition of Ibero-american Forum “Literacy and Learning” to improve the communication node between cultures and the exchange of experiences and research knowledge.
The website of both events with all information is
For specific information about XX European Conference, the link is:
We are looking forward to your contributions for ORAL PRESENTATIONS, POSTERS, SYMPOSIUMS, ROUND TABLES and WORKSHOPS. Please, see specific information of each type of contribution.
If you have any questions regarding the Call for Papers or the conference as such, please let us know in
We are looking forward to your contributions and to seeing you in Madrid – 2017, as a speaker and/or a participant!
Kind regards from Spain,
Estela D´Angelo