MOOC Free Course on Digital Literacy starting September 16, 2020

MOOC Free Course on Digital Literacy starting September 16, 2020

The Digital Literacy Lab for Educators announces their next project, a 5-week free online course on digital literacies, in partnership with the Commonwealth of Learning and Dilectae. You can enrol here.
I think this to be an interesting MOOC. I will participate [JCL].
The uncertain future facing society at large due to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis makes the need for widespread digital literacy even greater. We believe this is an essential course of personal and professional development for instructors, mentors, learners, and anyone interested in making sense of our society’s reflexive relationship with technology. The first five modules of the course are the building blocks for the Digital Literacy Lab for Educators (or DLLE). DLLE sets itself apart from other resources in the digital literacy space by connecting the dots between critical thinking and literacy, and the digital world. This means that the focus is on cognitive skills rather than technical knowledge development. Participants will be encouraged to rethink how their activity online and offline contributes to their personal and professional development.

The course is therefore designed for educators and lifelong learners who are interested in developing their own levels of digital literacy or supporting other learners in the acquisition of this essential 21st Century skill. Certificates of participation or achievement will be awarded to those who satisfy course requirements.

For more information on the components of the course, and how to register, click for the brochure here.

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